Pozycje dla tagu: podręczniki
Handbook of Behavioral Economics
Foundations and Applications
Behavioral Insights for Public Policy
Concepts and Cases
Giełda i psychologia
Behawioralne aspekty inwestowania na rynku papierów wartościowych
Behavioural Economics
A Very Short Introduction
A Behavioral Economic Perspective
The Behavioural Economics Guide
Edycja 2014
Insurance and Behavioral Economics
Improving Decisions in the Most Misunderstood Industry
Is Behavioral Economics Doomed?
The Ordinary Versus the Extraordinary
Finanse behawioralne
Policy and Choice
Public Finance through the Lens of Behavioral Economics
Behavioral Game Theory
Experiments in Strategic Interaction
The Person and the Situation
Perspectives of Social Psychology
Perspektywa psychologiczna i ekonomiczna
Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution
Behavioral Trading
Methods for Measuring Investor Confidence and Expectations and Market Trends
Behavioral Economics
The Basics
Makroekonomia behawioralna
Jak wyjaśnić zjawiska makroekonomiczne z wykorzystaniem ekonomii behawioralnej