
Pozycje dla tagu: marketing

The Catalyst

How to Change Anyone's Mind
Jonah Berger


Designing for Behavior Change
Amy Bucher

The Behaviour Business

How to apply behavioural science for business success
Richard Chataway

The Behavioral Economics Guide

Edycja 2019
Alain Samson, Uri Gneezy, Nina Mažar

Behavioral Economics for Business

How the Insights of Behavioral Economics Can Transform Your Business
Peter Burow


The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don't Make Sense
Rory Sutherland

The Persuasion Code

How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime
Christophe Morin

Marketing to Mindstates

The Practical Guide to Applying Behavior Design to Research and Marketing
Will Leach

The “3B’s” Approach

Dan Ariely, Kristen Berman, Wendy De La Rosa, Bella Rozenkrants

Choice Factory

25 Behavioural Biases That Influence What We Buy
Robert Shotton


Phil McGee

The Last Mile

Creating Social and Economic Value from Behavioral Insights
Dilip Soman


Jak w pełni wykorzystać techniki wpływu społecznego
Robert Cialdini

Neuro Design

Neuromarketing Insights to Boost Engagement and Profitability
Darren Bridger

The Behavioral Economics Guide

Edycja 2016
Alain Samson

The Brainy Business

Melina Palmer

O Behave!

Ogilvy Change

Big Data in Practice

How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results
Bernard Marr

How Brands Grow

What Marketers Don't Know
Byron Sharp

The Smarter Screen

Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior
Shlomo Benartzi, Jonah Lehrer

Mobile Persuasion

20 Perspectives on the Future of Behavior Change
B.J. Fogg, Dean Eckles

Digital Neuromarketing

The Psychology Of Persuasion In The Digital Age
Sam Page


Jak tworzyć produkty kształtujące nawyki konsumenckie
Nir Eyal

The Behavioural Economics Guide

Edycja 2014
Alain Samson

Hidden Brain

Shankar Vedantam

Hacking Human Nature for Good

A Practical Guide to Changing Human Behavior
Irrational Labs


Four Simple Ways to Apply Behavioural Insights
Behavioural Insights Team

Unconscious Branding

How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) Marketing
Douglas Van Praet

Efekt wirusowy w biznesie

Dlaczego pewne produkty i usługi zdobywają rynek
Jonah Berger


Why Things Catch On
Jonah Berger

Designing for Behavior Change

Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics
Stephen Wendel

Methods of Persuasion

How to Use Psychology to Influence Human Behavior
Nick Kolenda

Siła nawyku

Dlaczego robimy to, co robimy i jak można to zmienić w życiu i biznesie
Charles Duhigg


The Science Behind Why We Buy
Phil Barden


100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing
Roger Dooley


The Hidden Psychology Of Value
William Poundstone

W sieci

Jak sieci społeczne kształtują nasze życie
Nicholas A. Christakis, James H. Fowler


Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior
Geoffrey Miller

Sweat the Small Stuff

Rory Sutherland


Influencing behaviour through public policy
Paul Dolan, Michael Hallsworth, David Halpern, Dominic King, Ivo Vlaev

The Paradox of Choice

Barry Schwartz

Paradoks wyboru

Dlaczego więcej oznacza mniej
Barry Schwartz
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